Maker Faire

A promotional video for Maker Faire, the largest celebration of invention, creativity, curiosity and hands-on learning that is inspiring the future.


MakerFaire is an annual event hosted in cities all over the world to gather creators and innovators in celebration of making. Faires feature workshops, panels, shows and more, and encourage curious minds of all ages to participate.

The goal of this promotional video is to highlight the creative, empowering potential that waits to be unlocked by the process of creating something new. There is a potential for innovation and invention in every situation if only we look at it from a different angle.

The collage style highlights the DIY spirit of MakerFaire, and the potential to turn mundane things into innovative creations.


initial styleframes

I struggled in the beginning with adding more visual elements. As I revised I added more hand-drawn details to accompany the collage elements.


Screen Shot 2021-03-18 at 7.37.07 PM.png

My favorite pun I’ve ever made is in this video

(swiss “arm”y knife)


Music: “D.N” by Too Many Zoos